学习社区将两门或两门以上的热门课程整合在一起 兴趣领域 使用一个有趣的主题,就像下面的那些. Having the same classmates in both courses makes it easier to make connections and form meaningful relationships. 通过共同的阅读来连接你的两个主题, 作业和活动增加了两门课程材料的相关性. Learning about real-world issues that matter beyond the classroom and applying what you learn makes courses more meaningful, 提高了学业成绩. 了解你的教授,以及被教授了解,会让大学课程更有趣.
要注册,只需 注册 为学习社区的具体课程和部分. The courses will transfer and appear on your transcript just as they would if you took them separately.
这个学习社区利用了无人机和修复之间的协同作用. 无人机技术介绍(UAS-111) teaches students the applications of remote sensing drones, while also providing instruction in the hands-on and technical skills needed for their operation (including obtaining a federal recreational flight license). 恢复生态学(BIO-215)向学生展示基础生态科学, then examines real-world applications of environmental restoration techniques in a case study format. 这两门课程之间的协同效应是丰富的, and can be summarized by the theme "Drones and the Environment - Mapping the Path Toward Restoration.“从本质上来说, drones provide a powerful tool with which to implement all phases of ecological restoration.
前提条件:资格为eng101 / eng101a.
Explore a variety of psychological concepts and use that knowledge to enhance our study of Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein.讨论的主题将包括, 但不限于, 怪物的定义, 伦理道德, 语言习得与认知发展, 创伤, 自由意志与命运, 邪恶的本质, 受到迫害和排斥以及各种各样的心理障碍.
Fulfills General Education Requirements: ENG-101 (英语 Composition) and PSY (Social Sciences)
这个学习社区将专注于如何使用技术来增强全球业务. Students will examine best practices and develop skills using various forms of technology for research, 分析和数据处理.
前提条件:资格为eng101 / eng101a.
这个学习社区研究如何视觉化, 表演和文学艺术被用于国家建设, 改革和非暴力反抗. We examine how the arts reflect and undermine the political values of the individuals and social groups that produced them. Case studies include: the use of neoclassical architecture to reinforce democratic ideals; Indigenous cartography; how documentary photography circulated to protest unjust labor practices and racial discrimination; the popularity of craft knowledge as a feminist political strategy; and the debates surrounding public monuments during the Black Lives Matter movement.
前提条件:资格为eng101 / eng101a.
满足通识教育要求:HUM 101(艺术) & 人文)和HIS-212(艺术与人文,社会) & 行为科学)
Imagine a world where there are neither distinctions in socioeconomic class nor social hierarchies or privileges based on religion, 比赛, 种族, 性别, 性取向或国籍. 想象一个没有饥饿的社会, 没有贪婪,不需要物质财富, 人们可以自由地追求创造性的激情,享受工作. 这在我们所处的资本主义社会中有可能吗? 实现这样一个乌托邦的最佳方式是渐进改革还是突然革命? 批判性地分析历史文本和当代问题, 并探索如何不同的系统分层-如阶级, 比赛, 种族, 性别和性-与宗教和我们的政治和经济制度相交.
前提条件:资格为eng101 / eng101a
满足通识教育要求:英语-101(英语作文)和SOC-111(社会 & 行为科学,多样性)
一个人应该如何处理冲突? Explore methods from both the Western and Eastern traditions that martial artists use to face conflict and find balance. 武术家是如何避免冲突的? 武术家如何使用内外武器来结束冲突? 武术家如何在冲突中表现出同情心? These are some of the fascinating 问题 we will explore through the works of some of the greatest thinkers and philosophers in history.
先决条件:成功完成eng101 / eng101a与C级或更好
Fulfills General Education Requirements: PHL-111 (Arts and Humanities) and ENG-102 (英语 Composition)
围绕死亡的仪式(和文字)给了我们哀悼和庆祝的空间, 哀悼,然后继续前进. 以你在英语101中学到的写作和研究技能为基础, 但是加入你自己的声音, 专注于人类与死亡的相遇和纪念, 同时建立你作为演讲者和演讲者的技能. 学习社会传统和个人发明来应对, 文字和颂词, 和当地景点的兴趣,同时成为一个更强大的演说家.
先决条件:资格为eng101 / 101a.
Fulfills General Education Requirements: ENG-102 (英语 Composition) and COM-111 (Arts and Humanities)
你的生活经历如何影响你对他人的看法? 你会自然而然地看到相似之处,还是注意到不同之处? Explore how symbolic interactions relate to blind spotting specific cultures and/or groups. 确定一个团体代表与行动呼吁,以推动改变他们的社区. Gain a heightened sense of cultural awareness, interpersonal skills and small group dynamics. 通过餐桌话题提高你的沟通技巧, 组板, 脱口秀和个人演讲.
Fulfills General Education Requirements: COM-111 (Arts and Humanities) and SOC-111 (Social Science and 多样性)
你知道你对健康的心态会影响你的行为吗? 你对食物的选择将决定你今天、明天和将来的感觉. Explore your health and enhance your wellness while learning how to influence others to do the same. Students will learn about the dimensions of wellness and research current health topics to persuade an audience to make healthy lifestyle changes! 学习如何照顾好自己,用你的声音影响全球健康. 本课程是迈向传递有效信息的一步, 设定明确的目标来获得自信,创造一个更健康的自己.
Fulfills General Education Requirements: COM-111 (Arts and Humanities) and HEA-14 (Wellness)
定义和质疑“家”的含义,并调查“场所制作”.” We will explore how a sense of place functions for individuals as well as what “place” means to particular groups of people. 通过文献和运用人类学的概念和理论, 我们将研究与自然景观的联系, 社会结构和新兴社区. Students will conduct fieldwork where they will map their own relationship to home and place before interviewing others to locate and learn about where they find belonging and attachment. 查看Truxal库 专题指南 对于这个学习型社区.
满足通识教育要求:英语-101(英语作文)和ANT-121(社交) & 行为科学)
黑人的生命重要吗?? 我够墨西哥人吗?? 你是恐怖分子吗?? 你为什么一直叫我成龙? 你是哪里人?? 你混合? 你为什么这么生气? 我为什么要感到内疚? 我们能别再说这个了吗? 1900年,W.E.B. 杜波依斯断言:“20世纪的问题是肤色界限的问题.“我们今天的处境如何? 有什么变化吗?? 探索种族, 种族和其他交叉的社会身份,如阶级, 性别 and sexual orientation through a sociological lens by analyzing texts and engaging in a hands-on campuswide research activity about people’s thoughts, 经历, 问题, 关于种族和身份的挫折和希望.
Fulfills General Education Requirements: ENG-101 (英语 Composition) and SOC-111 (Social Sciences and 多样性)
重点关注林-曼努埃尔·米兰达(Lin-Manuel Miranda)创作的《最全菠菜网》(Hamilton: An American Musical, 2015). 探索音乐剧的当前和相关的主题,因为我们检查沟通, 英语, 历史和表演艺术. The musical will serve as a springboard to explore texts used to create the play: a biography of Alexander Hamilton, historian Joanne Freeman’s scholarship on duels and historical documents penned during the era. 阅读, researching and writing completed in the ENG-102 course will work as a foundation for speeches in COM-111.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENG-101/ENG 101A or ENG-101H with a grade of C or better.
Fulfills General Education Requirements: ENG-102 (英语 Composition) and COM-111 (Arts and Humanities)